Sunday, April 20, 2008
Reflection of the ethics research
our ethics research was about Tibet. Chinese government attempts to enforce a new campaign that demands monks denounce the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan cneter for human rights and Democracy reports that two monks had committed suicide last month following government oppressions. The chief monk refused to allow a government team to enter on April 2nd, but the returned the next day with a force of about 3,000 troops. as many as eight people killed, including at least three women and one monk.
Currently, as protesters in Paris held signs that read," Paris Defends Human Right Everywhere in the world." many people will consider this as serious.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
ethical lapse
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Writing on the web or on paper?
writing on the web is an important role in this business world. It is saving time and efforts. people comunicated by email and it helps people make less misscumunications comparing to the phone. also the accecibility of the writing on the web is better than on paper.
on the other hand, writing on paper is more personal than writing on the web. for example, if I were traveling out of country, I would perfer to send a post card to my friends rather than just writing a email and forward to everyone. but if I need to write professionally, I would writing on the web.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Korean side dish, Buchimgae.
The ingredients are 4 tablespoons flour, 1/2 cup water, pinch of salt, 2 medium zucchinis or other favorite vegetable you want cut into thin strips, a thinly sliced of onion, a tablespoon of oil, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, little bit of vinegar, and 1/4 teaspoon of sesame seeds.
Alright, let’s start making buchimgae!
First, Combine flour with water and salt in a large bowl to form a thin batter and add vegetables to the mixture. Heat oil in large non-stick pan over medium-high heat then fry the pancakes for about 5 minutes and it looks golden brown both sides. Lastly, prepared the dipping sauce for the buchimgae, which is with soy sauce, vinegar and sesame seeds.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Lying on your resume
I think that you can not be lied the fact especially professional history. whenever, it will come back to you and makes more problem. I think that honesty is one of most important qualify to a employee.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Mock Interview
my mock interview day was interesting. I am still lost sometime in campus, what a shame, but it happened that day. I went near hunter building and I got confused. fortunately, I got in campus earlier then I could make on time though. that was remind me again how important be there earlier on interview day.
while having the interview, I was comfortable to explain things she asked, I wish in real interview in future I could feel comfortable I had interview with Angie. I learned I need to more researched about the company that I interview.
now, I am recalling some of great presentations, the most interesting presentation was " a chicken".
because I was set on pretty closed to see a bird. I have never seen a chicken like that closed :)
and the topic is really interesting as well.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
a free topic
She came a wonderful career woman. she is working at a top of cosmetic company in Korea. I am really proud of her, just sad that I could be hanging out with her as often as before.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Cover Letter
The most useful the section of this tutorial was the last cover letter checklist. It helped me have out line of my own cover letter to the company I turned in class. also it helped how organized the given advice to apply to my cover letter. I can use those advice when writing my cover letter for my mock interview in class.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Career tools, Interviewing.
Both articles are very helpful to me.
I chose Phone interview tips as the first article. Because as a person who spoke English as an second language, talks on the phone is hard to get through than anyone else. even at interview in person, there are still have language barrier and culture difference but with phone without body language would be hardest one to do it. that is why it was very helpful. the given tips are find a happy place, speak easy, sounds of silence, and practice makes perfect. it is very important that find happy place because talk on the phone interview, already gives me a pressure. thus find a good place makes myself a little bit of clamming down. An other helpful tip was "Speak easy". I learned if I would like to be confidence, then stand up and my voice sound more powerful. with I got through this page of phone interview tips, I feel like I am ready to have phone interview!
As second article, I selected "The Second Interview". As we know when you get a second interview, it does not neccesary mean to you get that job. Every country has their own way to interview, even in a country, there are different way to hire people in each company. About the second interview means same like that. General tips of interview, which are neat outfit, do not late, bring a copy of your resume, etc. but about the second interview? I have not heard that! It was really great tips for me. the second interview is not only represent yourself as marketable person as well as how much you could fits with the company. the article shows very specifically the situations you could get on the second interview. It was good to learn those tips then I could apply any business meeting as well.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
persuasive communication
In class, we got two different examples of persuasion. Martin Luther King Jr's Letter from a Birmingham Jail and the guest speakers that came and spoke to the class about persuasion. These two examples gave to me critic thoughts of how persuasion works. I think Martin Luther King Jr.'s letter is the better example of persuasion. On the other side, The guest speakers, they did not do the best job at any sort of persuasion. Because Martin Luther King Jr. used all three parts of persuasion, ethos, logos and pathos, in his letter very good about using those skills. Not only did he use logic, emotion, individually, he used together at one sentence. On the other hand, one of the guest speakers was a woman from the ROTC recruiting office, did not excellent job on presenting it was kind boring and the way they present the subject is fits me that well. which mean, the topic is kind of the sense thus if I were them, I would rather give a good example by each then made the class a little bit alive.
here is an other example of the persuasive communication.
This article was catching my attention, because since I got in the U.S, I have had more chance to have a instance food more than when I was in Korea. Thus this article was interesting. I think the fact is ethos which means by the title appeals to a person like me who wants to keep themselves from junk food. In this article, Logos is the definition of junk food and examples. the first paragraph gives ethos say to American. I think overall there is pathos. there is questions which ask audience then make them want to follow its suggestions. something like this sentence, " Do not tempt yourself by keeping them around."
Well, after I read over this one I avoid junk foods then make myself being healthy!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Ten years from now....
I have a goal for my career, I would like to have Master degree of Business. hopefully about that time I would like to have one. I am acquisitive in my career, I planed to get a job when I graduated, and two years later, will apply to MBA. I hope I could work at retail company in Packaging industry, such as Medical, food, or import& export field would be fine as well.
Personally, here is something I would like to have before my 20's gone. I would like to travel in 7 countries, know how to cook 5 main Korean dishes well. also, I would like to have a long family trip, learn at least one of musical instruments, etc. Beyond that what I really desire to do in 20's is to find a person who is in love with me and have life together with trust and find a job where my passion is and making me improved.
I would like to see myself after ten years, married a nice guy, with working international retail packaging company. For personality aspect, I want to be a person who have the capacity for tolerate and hopefully I have the better point of view to see the world.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Web 2.0...The Machine is Us/ing Us
I think the title represent that we could use by the machine also, we becoming the machine as well. Web 2.0 is easy to operate thus I think web 2.0 will affect people who ready to enter the workforce in computer science industry, like there would be lots of creativity of web more easy. As I mentioned, people already in the workforce, web 2.0 make them easier work but I also think that there will be new problem coming along. But still I am always surprised by new technology , where is the end of “new technology”, and how much that will be affect my life.
When I get up in the morning, the first thing what I do is check my email. When I study, if I cannot follow some subject, the first thing what I do is “Goggled.” No one argue with me about the computer technology affects our life. I am even friendlier reading a news paper in website than actual paper. Only “one click” then all information comes to me, like that easy. But always good things come along with side effect. First of all, when I wake up and check my email, if I have not gotten any of email, I feel like nobody care about me, or I cannot have an internet service, I would get stressed by the fact that I could not check my email.. About searching a information, there are tons of an idea or information coming to me just right after click, I do not know which information is right, or sometime hard to find what I looking for.
I am glad that my professor, Angie, choose the interesting movie for us. It was easy to watch and have a message in such a good way to show. It brought me a thinking about how "web" is affect my life. I think that “web” is a double edged knife. It is very useful, but we have to use carefully otherwise could get hurt easily.
For me, no matter what this technology is great. Because of this I can still catch up with news of my country and my family or frineds so easy even though I am here in United State!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
About me
I hope the end of this year, I will get a good opportunity what I desire for a long time!